No Contracts, No Prize Wheels, No Gimmicks.
Online 9AM – 8PM
Onsite 3:30PM – 8PM
16505 SE 1st St I, Vancouver, WA 98684
Why Kanthak Karate?
There’s a lot to consider when picking a school, and a lot of pressure to get it right. So start by asking yourself these questions:
Could your child benefit from becoming more focused, coordinated, confident, respectful, and outgoing?
Would you rest easier if you knew you child was in a systematic program to develop these attributes, while learning safety skills?
Have you ever wondered if Martial Arts training could make a difference in your child’s life?
Have you heard stories of children making life transforming changes from Martial Arts Training?
There is a school on every corner today- How do you know where to go?
All the school says the same things “Fitness, Discipline, Confidence, Self Defense!”. How do you choose?
Did you try somewhere, enroll your child for a few classes, and have it be bad fit for your child?
Did the enrollment process remind you of a car dealership?
Do long term contracts make you think; “If we like classes, and see the benefits, we will keep going, why is this necessary?”
Balancing the Brain
Many people are familiar with the idea that the right brain is linked to creativity, intuition, and the arts, and that the left brain is more related to the logic, analytic, and executive functions. The brain hemispheres control the opposite sides of the body.
If a person is more reliant on one side or the other it can create an imbalance in their available resources, experience, and emotions. Mr. K has specifically designed the curriculum to balance and fine tune the ability to move the left and right sides of the body in concert, and separately, to insure that the student has the best result in brain balancing.
This is where many of the unexpected benefits of martial arts derive from. Who would think that karate classes could make a person calmer? This is a result of more and stronger connections in the corpus callosum, the connection between the brain hemispheres. Creative people (right brainers) can benefit by accessing more structured planning brain function. Logical people (left brainers), can learn to relax and let their intuiton play a greater role.
Modern neurological studies are confirming that movement is necessary for proper brain development, and that the quality of the movement can impact the benefits. Using the latest research Mr. K validated his previous methods, or adapted them to maximize the benefits. The curriculum is sequential, developmental, and progressively builds, balances, and equals out the right and left sides of the body, and by doing so the right and left sides of the brain.
A parent with experience in other movement modalities commented, “Wow, this is really high level physical OT (occupational therapy), but you have the advantage because the kids like doing it, and don’t get bored after they learn it.”
Making Use of the Culture
Kanthak Karate is primarily a youth based program. Ages varying from 4-18 years old.
Martial Arts are in a very unique position, because children both expect and accept a level of discipline that other activities lack. They learn this from watching the Ninja Turtles interact with their teacher, and the Kung Fu Panda, etc. It is an excellent opportunity to help the students improve themselves, and therefore improve their lives. It is very powerful for a parent to have another non-custodial adult reinforcing the behavior expectations they encourage at home.
Immediate Usability
In Mr. K’s system, a good technique is one that is immediately usable as taught, develops an attribute, teaches, and communicates a transferable concept that the student can use to further their understanding on their own.
Our Services
All inclusive tuition
Beginner 30min Class
Ages 4-6
M/W or T/TH 5:30
Uniform, T-shirt, Belt
Beginner 45min Class
Ages 6-14
M/W 6:00PM
T/Th 4:30
Uniform, T-shirt, Belt
Birthday Party
All Ages
2 Hours of Non Stop Karate Action!
Ready for class?
Schedule a FREE introduction class today!